Fleas are a nuisance. They jump on your dog, bite him and then have the nerve to come into your home and reproduce. There are many different versions of fleas, and hundreds of them can exist on your dog's coat at any one time. Flea infestations can get out of control and cause problems throughout your home and wreak havoc on your dog's skin. As your dog runs and jumps on your furniture, fleas and flea eggs drop off onto your sheets, cushions and carpet.

If you are having a problem with fleas in your home, here are some helpful solutions to get rid of them permanently.

Find the Source

The first thing you want to do is find the source of the infestation. If the infestation is on both your dog and on the carpets, you need to handle both of the infestations at once. The first thing you can do is take your dog to your local vet and ask that a flea bath or dip be performed. The bath or dip will kill and remove any fleas and flea eggs from your pet.

Your vet will often go through your pet's coat and physically remove any remaining fleas that exist. Once this has been done, you will need to place your pet on some type of flea treatment. Your vet can recommend the best one for your dog breed.

Treat Your Home

Treating your home is harder than you think. You must be thorough in your actions and you do not want to bring your dog back into the house without making sure your home is flea free. Anything in your home that can be washed, needs to be washed on high heat and then dried on high heat.

Take your vacuum and vacuum the baseboard, cushions and carpets. Sweep the floors. Once your home has been cleaned top to bottom, you can use a flea treatment or chemical to kill off the fleas. Borax is a popular substance used and is effective at eliminating fleas and flea eggs. Call a professional, like Impact Pest Control, if the problem persists.

Keep Up with Prevention

The best way to keep fleas away from your dog and home is through prevention. Continue to keep your dog on a flea preventative and treat your yard with chemicals on a regular basis. If your dog gets fleas again, visit your vet's office to have them removed and re-evaluate treatment. Some animals are sensitive to flea bites, and you may begin to notice that your dog's skin becomes inflamed, red, and itchy. 
